Very Early Look at a Future Project

Hello all! It has been a while! I wanted to present a couple of pics of a potential future project. For these pics, I put in in black and white and augmented the contrast. I wanted to create a look similar to The Lighthouse since I believe the mood of that film is similar toContinue reading “Very Early Look at a Future Project”

BTS Pictures of my Upcoming Movie

Hello all! I wanted to show you pictures of the shooting of my next movie. I think the colours on these are incredible! These pictures were taken from cellphones, so sorry for the poor quality… Enjoy! The film should be expected to come out at the end of August, but I have other content inContinue reading “BTS Pictures of my Upcoming Movie”

The Representation of Communism and the USSR in Hollywood Films

Hello all! Today, I wanted to examine how Communism and the USSR were represented in Hollywood films during the Cold War. I present two films (The Blob and Invasion of the Body Snatchers) and one short film (Red Nightmare). This is a bit different from the usual content, but I hope you still enjoy!

Final Soundtrack for my Upcoming Film: The Hunt

I have composed the final soundtrack for my upcoming film called The Hunt. I created some sounds as well as took some from sound banks. Here it is: Credit to Fesliyan Studios Background Music for the great music track. Artist Statement: This soundtrack was designed to be the foundation of my upcoming film where IContinue reading “Final Soundtrack for my Upcoming Film: The Hunt”

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